Mobile Service, We come to You.
If you require a specific training course to reflect your companies policies and procedures this can written accordingly. If you need advice on a trailer servicing and repair regime or the type of trailer which would suit your best.
Training is a blended mix of theory and practical in the classroom and workshop. Test rigs are used to train off the job, and give hands on training and coaching as needed to gain experience by each candidate.
Ensure you are on the right side of the law. This covers issues such as do i need a tachograph, what's is an "O" license, when should i service the trailer, do i need to use professional trades person or can my mate to repair my trailer and what paperwork do i need to have. What is a prohibition?
2 Day course
A two day course covering all the aspects of trailer maintenance and servicing. Brake reline and coupling operation. Suspension, using leaf springs, rubber and pivot systems. Single axle , twin and tri-axle configurations. Tyres and electrics This course is accredited by UK Rural Skills
1 Day Course
This is one for duty holders, from transport manager, transport co-ordinators hire controller's and any one involved in logistics. The course covers the legal obligations of companies using trailers. The Road Traffic act and how it relates to maintenance and servicing of equipment used on the road. Type Approval and how it fits in with the Construction and Use Regulations. DVSA and there role in the keeping vehicles safe on the public highways. Finally what the future holds for trailer users.
1 Day Course
Winch maintenance including cables The winching course is designed to give you an understanding of how the winch is used. Using the correct equipment and understanding the how to winch safely without injury. How to use snatch blocks for directional pulls and increasing the winch capacity. Understanding the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
1 Day course
This course cover all aspects of loading and unloading a trailer. From excavators, plant, cars and machinery. Safe use of ratchet straps and chains, weight distribution and best practice.
1 Day Course
Basic understanding of transporting dangerous liquids and gasses, and how to work out the legal quantity you can carry to remain under the threshold of ADR
I Day course
The one day course involves a full strip down of the engine into component form and complete rebuild including resetting the guvnor and carburettor. Full set of data and info sheets. This course is accredited by UK Rural Skills.
Company name
This specific course was designed for your business with your business in mind.
1 day course
IBC 2.5 year pressure test 5 year pressure tests and inspection. Carry out full internal inspection and replace manway gasket and pressure test. These are required under ADR Regulations to ensure bowser does not rupture when being towed on the public highway.
I Day course
This course covers basic driving skills and the basic controls of the small excavator to enable it to be moved safely in confined spaces like workshops yards or loading trailers. The fitment the of buckets, quick hitches, breakers and other equipment using single and double acting hydraulic circuits.
1 Day Course
This course is designed to help and build up the key skills needed for towing trailers on UK roads, The course will give the driver an insight in to what they they can expect if they towing for the first time or need to build up their confidence.
Please include your name and a contact number so i can contact you within the next 24HRS. If you phone and the call is not answered, it is probably because i am training so please leave a message and i return the call as soon as i can.